fractalgo is a provider of second to none financial solutions. Based on our scientific and mathematical models we arrive at analysis that is both accurate and precise. We are now able to automatically trade based on our analysis turning fractalgo into the ultimate financial management solution.
At fractalgo, our algorithms have a proven history of being consistently profitable. We’ve been using them for years, and they haven’t let us down.
Unlike technical observations (too little, too late), our trades are systematic and unemotional. Amazing accurate to date, these predictions have resulted in astounding gains in the Index, Commodity and Currency Futures markets. As successful asset managers, we know.
With fractalgo, these trades are automated. This means you can set your chosen markets to work for you— while you focus on conquering your personal Mt. Everest.
We’re proud of our service, and glad for the combination of technology and math that made it possible. If you share our passion for math, markets, and money, fill out our form and stay tuned for more details.
… Computer programs [that] trade are producing some of the highest returns in the industry
– Bloomberg (December 12, 2014)
Ready to go Autmoated?
If you're ready to take your trading to a new level, click below and explore what fractalgo can do for you.